A Pregnant Girl’s Guide to Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

A post about herbal tea couldn’t come at a more perfect time as a bad head cold is going around my house.  Stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, and sinus pressure….bleh…but tea has been the perfect remedy.

This pregnancy, while doing all of my research, I came across Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (RRLT) and the many benefits it has during pregnancy and labor, and I wanted to share the information I’ve found with you.

Red Raspberry Leaf is from the raspberry plant and its use dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans to treat many ailments including cold and flu, gum disease, rubella, upset stomach, and inflammation.  It also helps to treat acne, can help regulate a menstrual cycle, and it can increase the fertility in men and women.  However, its most popular use is for women during pregnancy, preparation for labor, and postpartum health.

Raspberry leaves are high in carotenoids, citric acid, tannins, vitamin A, B complex, C, and E.  It’s also a naturally high source of iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and silica.  This makes it helpful for nausea, leg cramps, and improving sleep during pregnancy.

This specific combination of nutrients is also extremely beneficial for the female reproductive system.  Many midwives and professionals who work with herbs believe that regular consumption of these teas may help prevent pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, preterm labor, prolonged labor, and postpartum hemorrhage.  Medical studies have also shown that red raspberry leaf can be consumed safely during pregnancy and can decrease the length of labor and decrease the number of interventions such as artificial rupture of membranes, assisted delivery (forceps or vacuum), and C-section.

How much should you drink?
I’ve found several answers to this question.  Some sources recommend avoiding herbal teas in the first trimester and to start drinking RRLT in your third trimester with one cup and increasing the amount in the last six weeks by up to one quart per day.  Other sources say it’s safe to have 1-2 cups throughout your entire pregnancy as it helps to relieve nausea in the first trimester, and then to increase the amount in the third trimester.  I would suggest doing your own research and consulting with your doctor or midwife to see what is best for you.

I started drinking RRLT in the third trimester (1-2 cups/day) and I am going to increase the amount in the last few weeks.

Where do you get RRLT?
I got my RRLT at a local natural foods store in my area because I couldn’t find it at the supermarket or at Trader Joe’s.  However, some supermarkets do carry it.  This is the tea I bought…


Make sure you don’t buy raspberry flavored tea because it’s not the same thing!

Drinking RRLT is a no brainer to me.  There are countless benefits to consuming this tea and it tastes great!  If it can help me have a faster labor, I’ll take it!


*Please remember to consult with your doctor or midwife before taking any herbal supplement.

American Pregnancy Association
Natural Fertility Info
Wellness Mama
Herbs for Pregnancy


2 thoughts on “A Pregnant Girl’s Guide to Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

  1. I noticed you’re linking to a number of sources but none of them address where the tea is coming from. You can buy this stuff pretty much anywhere but you can’t guarantee that it’s pure and safe. That’s why I wrote an article about how anyone can easily make their own raspberry leaf tea right in their own homes – http://www.notimeliketeatime.com/how-to-make-your-own-raspberry-leaf-tea/

    I feel like it’s really important to let people know that there could possibly be pesticides or other chemicals in the tea they’re drinking for their little ones. Hopefully you don’t mind me leaving this here. Take care!

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